23 January 2010


What do you think of parents that mindlessly show their kids shows like Dora the Explorer or Spongebob Squarepants or any other dumb kids' show that's just on TV?

We tried to find a balance in that; we don't have cable TV so kiddo's TV exposure was limited to PBS and whatever we got on vhs or dvd. You can't completely insulate a kid from pop culture, socially it'll slaughter them, but at the same time you stay involved, monitor, talk about what they're seeing and see where it's taking their mind... needless to say I'm not a fan of the TV-as-babysitter mindset at all, no.

Of late she's getting more into anime, so we're letting her watch Naruto - she went as Kakashi for Halloween. But even so we still talk about where it puts her thinking, keep the awareness going.

Have at it.

0 ::sing to me::

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