14 March 2010

Because you're vegan, I'm going to assume you use cruelty-free household products. Can you name few cheap cruelty-free products/brands?

Nrr? I'm not vegan.. not yet anyway, though I support those who are and I'm quite respectful of the lifestyle, and I try to be conscious of where anything and everything the household eats or uses comes from.

Cheap and cruelty-free generally aren't synonymous, though I'm certain you've already found that out. A lot of what we try to do is use things like boiling water, vinegar and baking soda for cleaning instead of chemical based cleaners, stuff like that.

I use a few sites to help with this; here's a few of them:

I fully admit I can't always keep 100% to this; I just don't always have access to all the things I'd like to use in place of something worse.

Have at it.

0 ::sing to me::

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