24 June 2010

what is a genderqueer?

My personal definition?

Someone who rejects the societal pressure to conform to binary gender standards and does whatever they want with their looks, personality, behavior and mannerisms without giving a shit for "appearing female" or "appearing male". They just are what they are, and if asked "are you male or female?" you may be answered "Yes".

It can all change on any given day depending how they feel, swing to extremes or seem quite mainstream. It's not as simple as boys in eyeliner and heels or girls with binders and packers. Gender identity is a fluid thing here, not fixed.

It can sometimes be part of being trans, but certainly not always - not all genderqueer people have trans issues and are completely comfortable in the bodies they've been given; it's all in how they choose to present themselves.

It also isn't tied to sexuality; genderqueer people can sweep the spectrum from straight to gay and everything in between.

Again, my own definition, others may feel differently. YMMV.

Have at it.

0 ::sing to me::

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